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Remembering the war's unknown and forgotten.
Humanizing the facts and figures.
Hello and welcome to the museum support page. Did you know that your gift shoppe purchases and donations solely support the museum's operation? You may click on the button located at the bottom of the page to navigate to the gift shoppe where you may purchase T-Shirts, Keychains, Water Bottles, Mugs, and so much more. If you wish to make a donation of money please use the 'donate' buttons. Thank you for doing your part in keeping the museum a reality.
Want to support the Museum with a donation? Click on any of the buttons below to donate any of the specified amounts, for other ammounts or any questions, please contact to inquire.
Do you have artifacts that you wish to contribute to the museum?
In a museum your items are worth so much more than value, with each there are stories both written and unspoken that deserve to be protected and cherished for all posterity to know. Please don’t risk them being lost to times progression. If you have Wartime European Artifacts, Ephemera, items related to the Nazi Holocaust - even everyday items that tell the stories and trials of daily life - do not hesitate to inquire. No worries if your contribution is not in pristine condition, in fact if it has damage and wear from the war and tells the story its well at home in them museum collection. If you wish to inquire about contributions, please contact me. Much thanks to all, my future and current contributors.
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