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A corrupted youth : systematic indoctrination and the art of Nazi propaganda


This display represents the root, the answer to the question we've all asked - just how did the Nazis become the hardened men and subservient wives we see in history? In part it was the common culture, the breadwinner husband and housewife was the image of family values. But beneath the quiet image lies our answer. An instilled hate through an eerily ingenious and methodically introduced propaganda, telling untruths seeded subliminally with hate, a common enemy in every word to unite the masses - as long as it was what the people wanted to hear. Implementing growths in economy and infrastructure, making a golden Germany - for Germans that was. Because all the while hate had been subliminally integrated into the masses, so much like modern propaganda. But the most valuable and pivotal force in this was propagandist corruption of Germany's youth. This exhibit features photographs of everyday children, in a normalcy so much so that they very well could be our own. But beside them stands Adolf Hitler, Der Fuhrer, a face that for them represented everything they'd been taught to want, purity, integrity, service to the nation. A world that was the only known home, by a word that was all they'd ever known. Blinded by the extreme nationalism deeply instilled within their hearts and minds, some from birth. As the coined phrases "Ein volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" and Blut un Ehre" Words etched not only to banner and blade but into the innocent and thus inherently gullible hearts of Germanys corrupted youth.

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